Fall 2015 Beginning WordPress Class

WordPress is a web site and blogging Content Management System that powers 24% of the web (http://w3techs.com/technologies/details/cm-wordpress/all/all). That’s a lot of web sites. It has gained in popularity because of its simplicity in use, it is open source, and its strong development community. If you’ve wanted to learn about WordPress, now’s your chance.

Nashville State Community College has a a 13 week course on basic WordPress this semester (Fall 2015). It is being offered through the Visual Communications department. No coding experience is required. Classes begin on August 24 so if you’re not a current student of NSCC you need to apply to the school and be admitted before you can enroll in the class.


Course Name: COM1500 WordPress
Day/time: Wednesday 6-9 PM
Location: Nashville State Community College, Main Campus (White Bridge Rd), Clement Building (C-108)


For more information contact:

Dale Rogers, M.Ed.
Assistant Professor, Web & Multimedia Design
Nashville State Community College
ofc: 615-353-3504


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