This article is meant to address some frequent questions I get from Visual Communication students regarding registration. It will cover the basics of registering at Nashville State.
When do you register for classes?
The dates for the registration period are listed on the academic calendar which can be found on the Nashville State main web site.
What classes should you take?

Every A.A.S. program has a list of courses and a recommended schedule for your program. For Visual Communication students those lists can be found in the following list:
- Graphic Design Program | Degree Planner
- Multimedia Design Program | Degree Planner
- Photography Program | Degree Planner
General Education Core Course Web Page
Let’s say you want to take the beginning English Composition course. According to the course rubric, the course number is ENGL 1010 (English Composition I). Now you want to determine if ENGL 1010 is offered during your semester as an online offering.
First, you need to determine the corresponding course numbers for the Gen. Ed. classes you wish to take so you can determine if they are offered online during the semester you need. Fortunately, Nashville State offers a wide selection of online classes for General Education. The following link will take you to the NSCC General Education Core Course web page,
Information Technology Web Page
The following is a great resource for registering at Nashville State. It allows you to see all the courses at a given campus in a given term, the enrollment numbers, instructor, day and time the course meets, and whether the course is online. You can get all of the information on one page. Incredible.
Go to the Information Technology page at Look at the top of the browser window at the navigation window.

Select the Class Schedule Search link. The following fields will appear.

Enter the term you are interested in and the program your course rubric falls into.
For example, let’s say you want to find out the English Composition I course for the Spring 2017 semester (This page was created in 2016)). Select Spring 2017 in the Term field. Since the course rubric for the English Composition I course is ENGL 1010, select ENGL in the Program Field and then select the Search button.

The Results
The resulting page will show the following information on each course being offered (Note the offerings are by campus):
CRN, Course, Section, Course Name, Status, Enrolled, Seats Available, Days, Time, Room, Instructor, Session
Since the question was concerned with online courses, we are interested in the CRN, Course, Section, Course Name, and Seats Available fields.
CRN (Course Registration Number) is the number you put into the CRN field when you register online for the course.
Course and Course Name fields will ensure you are selecting the correct course, i.e. ENGL 1010 English Composition I.
Seats Available field indicates how many seats are left in the course. If the number is 0 (zero), the class is full.
Section field indicates when the class is offered according to the following rules for the Main Nashville Campus:
- Sections that begin with a N are daytime on-ground classes: e.g. N01, N02
- Sections that begin with a N4 are nightime on-ground classes; e.g. N40, N41
- Sections that begin with a W are are online classes; e.g. W01, W02
- Sections that begin with a R are TN eCampus online classes; e.g. R50, R51
For the Spring 2017 class the following options are available as of today (Nov 2, 2016):
10218 ENGL 1010-N01 English Composition I A 24 -24 MWF 0800 AM - 0855 AM K-204 Burridge L Note
10220 ENGL 1010-N03 English Composition I A 25 -25 MWF 0905 AM - 1000 AM K-204 Burridge L Note
10221 ENGL 1010-N04 English Composition I C 0 0 Note
10222 ENGL 1010-N05 English Composition I A 25 -25 MWF 1010 AM - 1105 AM K-209 Weir B Note
10223 ENGL 1010-N06 English Composition I C 0 0 Note
10225 ENGL 1010-N07 English Composition I A 23 -23 MWF 1115 AM - 1210 PM K-209 Weir B Note
10228 ENGL 1010-N09 English Composition I A 23 -23 MWF 1220 PM - 0115 PM K-204 Blaisdell H Note
10230 ENGL 1010-N11 English Composition I A 21 -21 TR 0800 AM - 0925 AM K-111 Belew V Note
Course Registration Numbers (CRN) are shown in Bold Red
Section numbers are shown in bold Blue.
Understand that these numbers are always changing during registration. Seats fill up fast. Just because you see 4 seats available for a course now, doesn’t mean they’ll be there tomorrow. Once you see enrollment availability, register immediately for that class and pay asap so you do not loose that registration.
The Course Codes
If you look at the courses you will see they follow a pattern…
- COM 1000 W01
- COM 1000 N01
- ENGL 1010-N11
The COM, or ENGL prefix stands for the academic department. You can find a list of the departments in the online catalog.
The number following the prefix, e.g. 1000, 1010, etc stands for the course number. Nashville State is a 2-year institution. The 1000 level courses are first year classes. The 2000 level courses are second year courses. Different departments may have courses with a 1000 number, so the department prefix and number are used together. COM is a code for Visual Communications. The 1000 course in the VISCOM department is HTML and CSS for Designers.
Codes for Campuses
The W, N, H, etc letters refer to campuses and are as follows…
- A- SE Campus (Antioch)
- D – Dickson Campus
- E – East Davidson Campus
- H – Humphreys Campus
- L – Clarksville Campus
- N – Nashville Campus (White Bridge Rd)
- R – TN eCampus (Online through TBR)
- X – Campus at the correctional facilities
- W – Web (Nashville State Web)
Registering at Nashville State
You register online via You will need your A number and password to access the system.
Knowing which courses to register for in a given semester
For Multimedia students, the following course information should help guide you.
The following classes are only offered during the Fall Semester:
- COM 1306 Web Animation
- COM 1500 WordPress
The following classes are only offered during the Spring Semester:
- COM 1040 Presentation Media
- COM 2020 Multimedia Design
- COM 2700 Practicum/Multimedia
- COM 2710 Portfolio/Multimedia