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  • Title Screen for Snow Day broadcast
    I was the video editor for the Jan 12, 2025 snow day service for CSL Nashville. I needed an opening title screen to introduce the video. I used Canva for this, although it could have easily been done in Premiere. In the final video, I used video from footage I captured out of the back… Read more: Title Screen for Snow Day broadcast
  • edrawingboard logo
    In creating a logo for my YouTube Channel, edrawingboard, I needed to come up with a logo that would show up well as a thumbnail. Some Background I purchased the domain in 1999. I came up with the name based on the phrase, “It’s back to the drawing board.” My B.S. is in Mechanical… Read more: edrawingboard logo
  • YouTube Vertical Ad for Sparrow
    As an indie author and digital content creator, I wear the Marketing hat and the Maker hat. This video was produced with the following tools:
  • broken brick
    View Post I’ve been in this weird place all day.I can’t quite put my finger on it.Distant, like a storm, way offshore. I’ve been sitting with it.It woke me up at 3:30,this uncomfortableness. I want to transform it.Transform it?From what? To what?How can I transform itwhen I don’t know what “it” is?What is this “it?”… Read more: broken brick
  • My attention
    Realization for today. My attention is a valuable thing. It determines what ideas and images I let into my psyche and experience. I can determine what I’m paying attention to by how I feel. My emotional energy is a pointer to what is going on in my thoughts and beliefs. Am I believing in a… Read more: My attention
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