Sometimes an iPod…

Blackberry in toiletI heard the funniest response to a news item on NPR today. Yesterday, 12/11/2008, NPR broadcasted an amusing story from Yuki Noguchi about people’s reactions to dropping their cell phones in the toilet. Some fish it out, some don’t. Today, they read several comments from listeners that felt compelled to respond. One was from a woman telling a related story about how her boyfriend dropped his iPod into an airplane toilet. He made the decision to leave it there. That wasn’t the funny part.

The funny part was how in flight attendants saw some electronic device floating in the toilet and diverted the plane to an alternate destination in case it was an explosive device. According to the story, everyone on the plane was interviewed to determine the source, and intent, of the device. Hmmm, I guess sometimes an iPod is just an iPod.

OKay… as I was musing over all the [other] possible jokes inherent in that story it occured to me that maybe one of the artists on the iPod was the Butthole Surfers. Come on… admit it. Now THAT’S funny, and such a welcome distraction from the latest bailout news.

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