Perception is limited

My perception is limited. As someone who teaches Visual Communications, and who is a consciousness explorer, I find this video particularly interesting.

We design on the computer using the colors Red, Green, and Blue (RGB). Those colors correspond to the rods and cones in our eyes. However, when we print to a printer, those colors are converted to CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black). It’s fascinating to learn that our ability to “see” magenta is a trick of the brain.

How does limited perception affect my consciousness?

Everything is energy. Everything vibrates. My senses pick up a small portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. There is significantly more to the Universe than what I can perceive with my physical senses. As I ponder this, it causes me to wonder what wonders are out there that I have yet to experience. It causes me to ask, am I experiencing phenomena now, which really don’t exist but result from the mechanics of my body or mind?

Experience is a marvel.

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