Photo of Craft Content Nashville

Craft Content Nashville 2017

I’m presenting a session at Craft Content Nashville 2017 called Let’s Talk Multimedia this Saturday (April 8) at 3:15 in Design Room 2. The session will  provide an over-view of what designing for multimedia means and what goes into digital content creation. The Twitter hashtag is #CCN17Multimedia. Craft Content Nashville is located at Nossi College of Art.

Whether you are a podcaster, blogger, iBook creator, citizen journalist, or small business owner needing media for your FaceBook or LinkedIN account, the goal is to accomplish a goal. The goal may be to sell, inform, educate, entertain, or get our visitor to sign up for our email list. The best way to engage our audience is to tell a story. How can we work a story into our multimedia? It requires that we have a plan. Come to the session and let’s discuss it.

The Presentation

Here is the presentation I used for the session. It’s a Prezi presentation so it won’t work on mobile. Here is the pdf for download.

Did you like my session. Let’s connect. What are you working on?

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